@darthted You could go hang out with my sis and bro-in-law @carbocommander. He’s an Eagles fan though.
@carbocommander @darthted 😂😂👏
@chixors @techAU That is SO COOL
RT @StokesXandra: YOW! conference director @MichelePlayfair clues us in to what it’s like being a glube on The Weekly Reboot this week! h…
RT @AWS_edu: 🇦🇺 Need to take your cloud solution to new heights? Registration for the AWS Public Sector Summit Canberra is open! #AWSPSSumm…
@i386 @damncabbage Don’t worry, James. I’ll stand by you against the wall when the revolution comes. 👍
Very grateful to the dude who slid into my DMs overnight to tell me that I look beautiful and mature and he’s into long distance relationships for reminding me that I need to lock down my effing DM settings again. Why must every public place be a singles bar?
RT @skdh: NASA orbiter spots ‘Star Trek’ symbol on Mars
https://t.co/XrhDe1hiOi https://t.co/0f41FDPBwB
@evanderkoogh Meh. It’s only mildly annoying. I’m a 40+yo chubby nerd and I can deal. I can only imagine what it’s like for a young woman though.