@gilmae I can see my Dad doing exactly that.
@gilmae Correction. He says he’d never do that. He prefers to find more exotic things to do, like the “swineapple”.
RT @laurieontech: If you are a lead in any capacity your primary job is no longer to be the best coder in the room. Your job is to invest i…
RT @JackBensinger: Took a picture of myself every day for 10 years. https://t.co/3DYlEYAoXV
@gilmae I need to get more replies, because every time I look at Tweetdeck this one is sitting there, distracting me.
@gilmae Worse.
@gilmae omfg
Cajun meat pie with cream cheese topping. 🤔 Interesting… https://t.co/YXCbM3KmQY https://t.co/N3EQdjPdmx