@rosemary Wait, what? There is a universe in which people think that means “unlucky”?????
RT @espn: 26 years ago today, 12-year-old Henry Rowengartner recorded a save in his MLB debut for the Chicago Cubs. https://t.co/zpB5O0Ukp3
Roasted pumpkin and carrot soup with lamb meatballs. (Damn, I’m good.) https://t.co/EWui2Q0FUD https://t.co/5JJ7T8HUDG
RT @holman: Number of times I crushed 20 hour days for a startup that failed and got sold for parts: many.
Number of times I worked 20 hou…
@yoyehudi @rowlandm @intermineorg If you want to show code, one of the best talks I’ve seen on the topic was Damian Conway’s “Instantly Better Tech Presentations.” He gives advice for showing/explaining refactoring using animations, IIRC. https://t.co/yAHo1Pt2pc