You would think that grownup adult mentors could grasp “Time to move to the next table! Go to the one that’s one number higher than yours!”
You would be wrong. #speedmentoring #chaos
@frostickle The rainbow and green ones are @buildkite
@mootpointer I think one person went to the wrong table in round 1 and the error just rippled for the next 9 rounds.
@TheWonkaTonka @imdominating Gosh we were cute!!
Emcee selfie! Honoured to join the @amazonwebservices team at today’s Inspiring Women event with 200 young women in Liverpool.
RT @snaxolotl: (@rubyetc)
Facebook just showed me the ad for the Nicolas Cage flippy sequined cushions. I blame @buzzyNZ.
I thought the Christian Bale version of this scene killed me, but this? I almost don’t want to watch it, it’s going to hurt so much.