It’s always fun to open a @WomenWhoCode email and recognise someone I’ve met! Hey @amylouboyle!! 👋
@randomknits You inspired me to finally make a donation! Well done – it’s freezing out there tonight.
@randomknits ❤️🐶
Installed the Amplify CLI tonight and set up my first ever project. Somewhere @stevenringo is smiling. 🙂
RT @KoalaMattress: Koala has cut ties with Alan Jones. We’re a significant buyer in the medium, and it’s something we should have done earl…
LOLLL. The Snook has been feeling like quite the playboy with his six Stardew Valley girlfriends, but tonight they all confronted him! #dtmf 😂
Sweet potato gnocchi with broccoli and sage, homemade by the Snook! ❤️
@randomknits He now has 3. It’s basically a religious cult at this point.
@randomknits He says the comparison is more apt than I realised. He lives on a giant farm complex, and the mayor regularly gives him money “for various reasons.”
RT @NoContextTrek: