Anyone interested in sponsoring the drinks for our September meetup?
Bloody impressed at @auscharwood sharing a photo of his teenage self along with a really honest and personal story about mental health. He’s now working at @LifelineAust, part of an org that saves people’s lives. Sydney tech community has some amazing folks… ❤️ #dotc19 #dotc
Learning about BeachOps from @AnnieTingLin at @VMwareAU. I like the sound of this! #dotc19 #dotc 🏝
Next up is @grant_simonds from setting the scene for a big challenge – transforming a lumbering monolith into a modern microservice-based architecture for the @Telstra TV box. It’s always great to hear real stories from local experts! #dotc19 #dotc
Wow, from 4 months for a production change down to 2-4hrs! Scaling can also change in 5 min rather than estimating months in advance. @Grant_Simonds #dotc19 #dotc
RT @shainsingh: heart-wrenchingly beautiful and personal talks given by @nellshamrell and Chris Harwood. thank you so much for sharing your…
RT @nigelwright_nz: Amazing focus on mental health this morning at #dotc19 – glad this is getting more airtime
RT @PhilipThalis: For a better Sydney – she’s got a point .. or 2 .. or 3 ..
#smh letters
Final speaker is Oshri Zhi from @BPAY_AU. Some very big numbers – $2B in transactions every day! #dotc19 #dotc
RT @frankarr: Visualizing big data with AWS AppSync, Amazon Athena, and AWS Amplify via @awscloud
Interesting. Both Oshri from @BPAY_AU and @Grant_Simonds from @Telstra have found mid-morning (10-11am) is the best time to kick off their releases. Team is caffeinated and ready to go, and customer impact is minimal. #dotc19 #dotc
@GlennSarti @Grant_Simonds In case of Telstra TV, it was based on traffic patterns and load I believe.
RT @MichelePlayfair: Come and join us next week at our data-themed #yownight series at Arq Group in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane https://…
RT @annaspargoryan: My 14-year-old’s playlist names though
The team at @BPAY_AU have regular Improvement Days: Innov8, Automate, and Environment & “Fix It” Days. Went so well the rest of the business have started participating too! #dotc19 #dotc
Thrilled to finally get to rock an @awscloud Inclusion Ambassador shirt after being jealous of @glenngore’s! (Note to future self: make sure hair is smooth before someone takes a photo from behind… 🙃)
Almost at the end! Egos Cole from @fastlane_it is giving us some very pragmatic tips for regulating DevOps. (He also pointed out how many folks were willing to plug their mobile phones to charge in a strange device!) 😲 #dotc19 #dotc
@desplesda We missed you! 👋
Final speaker is my buddy @nathenharvey challenging the audience right out of the gate: “SRE comes from the mindset that the most important feature for any system is reliability.” #dotc19 #dotc
RT @DevTestRepeat: Drinks with @DevOpsTalks #dotc19
This weekend JUST. GOT. INTERESTING. 😁 @AnthonyRees @paultook
Closest @unlikelylibrary and I have ever come to an argument: Captain America vs Aquaman. (For the record, while Momoa is hot, he also looks smelly. Captain America = #1 forever amen.)
Well that’s different. 🦄🍷
@seemomster @unlikelylibrary No, as in Jason Momoa always looks like he hasn’t showered in several days. Fortunately it seems @unlikelylibrary is into that. 😐
@mattallen Quite possibly. I was not a big fan.
@ManuelaDavo @unlikelylibrary More of an “unshowered” vibe.
@tomandlorenzo I just realised that there’ll be a 24 year age gap between Stu and Frannie. That feels a little icky to me, regardless of how young Marsden looks. 😕
@tomandlorenzo Just checked – Sinise & Ringwald had a 13 year gap.