A few days ago I asked @frankarr how @minxdragon’s final rehearsal had gone. “Goosebumps” was the reply. 😳 You’re not going to want to miss this one! #AWSCommunity https://t.co/FBzMtuFRV3
RT @coder_bec: Watching the livestream of #awscommunity day from home 😷 Love that @jeffbarr introed via the universal language of evangelis…
@Amys_Kapers @jeffbarr I saw @frankarr raise his hand. 😊
RT @minxdragon: Some technological archaeology from @jeffbarr “there is so much happening in our field we are never going to catch up and t…
RT @kemorimo: No such thing as “just the tech person…” #awscommunity https://t.co/r4nl7E2mLh
@frankarr @AWSonAir @AWSCloudANZ 💅
@evanderkoogh @Amys_Kapers @gilmae Whatever do you mean? Would Dave have approved my use of the photos for something sinister or nefarious? … I’ve said too much. 🙊
JEALOUS. @emmaarri got a personal shoutout from @jeffbarr! 😱 #AWSCommunity https://t.co/tI9d4k7xTZ
If you’re following along on the Twitch live stream, be sure to thank the hardworking moderation team! #AWSCommunity https://t.co/7k6sfIjXLt
@StokesXandra @MichelePlayfair @yow_conf @Amys_Kapers You mean all of us, right?? 💇♀️
The live stream is on all day, which means we’ve got speakers happening even during the breaks! Now learning about @okta and some of the challenges around identity and user experience… #AWSCommunity https://t.co/uLGaamGCIT
This is cool – the Matildas use online tools to analyse and track performance. It was very helpful when a new coach was joining the team at a crucial time before the World Cup. #AWSCommunity https://t.co/HjWNu1GpVZ
Next up is Jill from @newrelic and Ashima from @Telstra talking about creating more perfect software together… #AWSCommunity (I snuck a selfie with Jill this morning!) https://t.co/2jrnf7tJ0H
3:20 today in the Goldfields main theatre – come hear the lady in the AWS dress 👗 share her epic battle with grumpy sysadmins, AWS Lambda, flaky 3rd party APIs, overly enthusiastic Dutch startup founders (😉 @evanderkoogh) and more! Oh, there will be 😺 too. #AWSCommunity https://t.co/baKFc83RpT
20% of Aussies have a disability of some sort – so @RhianaHeath is talking about full stack accessibility, and how it’s everybody’s job. 👏 #AWSCommunity https://t.co/9NeSdEsEKD
@MichelePlayfair @developerjack Pins are the new stickers. 😂
RT @Amys_Kapers: TIL that the new banknotes aren’t great for those with colour blindness, and given that 8% of Australian men are colour bl…
“Horizontal scrolling on a phone… DON’T DO THIS.” Accessibility pro tip from @RhianaHeath #AWSCommunity https://t.co/yCKvGr9rLi
RT @Cloud_elijah: Currently leading the #deepracer stakes at #AWSCommunity day Melbourne. @acloudguru https://t.co/WmnTalXoZi
The Ops team have a role to play in accessibility too – after all, if your website is down, no one can access it! @RhianaHeath #AWSCommunity https://t.co/3pDkh5PKbP
. @RhianaHeath keeps talking about robustness as a key pillar in accessibility. I hadn’t really thought about that, but it’s so right. #AWSCommunity https://t.co/YIC8d4WxBR
RT @frankarr: Time for #deepracer – go for it @emmaarri do what your dad failed to do and complete a lap #AWSCommunity 🚗 🤖 🏁 https://t.co/U…
Did you know AWS has a podcast? @simon_elisha is sharing with the #AWSCommunity crowd! https://t.co/fMVSzOnP4E https://t.co/VTaml2BTiE
Anything that you’re willing to practice, you can do. Life advice from Bob Ross and @minxdragon. #AWSCommunity https://t.co/NmJBU2wNez
LOL. @minxdragon has a 😺 in their talk too. Theirs might even be derpier than mine. 😂 #AWSCommunity https://t.co/utkxYiYQcQ
Seems like creepy, frivolous, and bizarre uses of ML are a pretty key part of the adoption curve for new tech! @minxdragon #AWSCommunity https://t.co/bKXJHoDsRM
MOAR CREEPY CATS. 🙀 @minxdragon #AWSCommunity https://t.co/RoBiFt3jHo
I never thought of EC2 instances as analogous to preprepared artists’ canvasses. That’s really cool. @minxdragon #AWSCommunity https://t.co/D4DmmPMRBY
Warning: listening to @AziFarjad can result in an addiction to building Alexa skills! I speak from experience. 😂 #AWSCommunity https://t.co/f4378hFgca
@minxdragon THEYRE STARTING!!!!
Really excited to see @parisba and @TheMartianLife talk about self-driving cars… and Tasmania. 😂 #AWSCommunity https://t.co/hcA5JubErN
RT @The_McJones: ‘This is here to prove that I am frivolous’ – @parisba #awscommunity https://t.co/XmSeQZDUns
We’re running a little ahead, so get ready! Likely 3:10pm or so. And you can watch online too! #AWSCommunity https://t.co/KfkePjK7jv https://t.co/gdA2eMdSSl
I’M UP NEXT FOLKS! THIS IS NOT A DRILL! https://t.co/Vp850qNVbT #awscommunity
@mattallen Missed you buddy!! ❤️
@Don_IsGood 😍😍❤️
RT @rickibarnes: @web_goddess Kris Howard reminding us that “There are cat people in the #AWSCommunity, too”. AMEN! https://t.co/X72NgNTMHs
RT @frankarr: #AWSCommunity
“There is no server better than no server”
@web_goddess channeling @Werner
#awscommunity @AWSCloudANZ @AWSonA…
RT @Amys_Kapers: TIL exactly what serverless means:
It’s kinda like calling takeaway food kitchenless – @web_goddess #AWSCommunity https:/…
RT @minxdragon: Severless banking? “This was my face when I heard that, yeah, you’re dreaming mate” @web_goddess 😂#awscommunity https://t.c…
My very own Hamiltweet. 😍 @minxdragon https://t.co/Ceu1mcBu2t
@nabiac85 @Amys_Kapers I think there’s some dodgy rounding happening, because I’ve definitely never gone past the Lambda free tier. 😂
@twistieman Thank you!!
@JavierInchausti Thank you!!
Michelle from AWS interviewing @LoveAndMaths from @codelikeagirlau. ❤️ #AWSCommunity https://t.co/0EkSYL7gpS
RT @RhianaHeath: For people asking about my dress at #AWSCommunity it’s by @SvahaUSA
They have tonnes of comfy STEM style dresses and skir…
RT @AWSonAir: .@gabehollombe caught up with @minxdragon at #AWSCommunity Day Melbourne on the art 🖼 of making art with machines & community…
Ally didn’t want @codelikeagirlau to be pink, but she realised later that the brand isn’t for her – it’s for the girls, and that includes the ones that like pink and unicorns. And that’s okay! She can teach them how to build pink unicorn websites! #AWSCommunity 🦄👩🏼💻 https://t.co/MWiurPXmTA
If you want to subscribe to my Aussie meetup calendars, URLs are here! https://t.co/jm7Zj3HWkV (I need to update docs to include latest round of step function refactoring…) #AWSCommunity
RT @AWSonAir: Checkout the app by @web_goddess for the community, by the #AWSCommunity. https://t.co/C5FQ9tGW3Z
@Reidyd Glad you enjoyed it!
@MichelePlayfair I forgot about that. 😂😂
The AWS dress is off, and it’s time to #wearitpurple. “We’re all human; we’re all different; we’re all equal.” 💜🏳️🌈 https://t.co/R2paKGGKjE https://t.co/mKPA989Xuy
TFW you’re running to catch a plane but you can’t resist asking @jeffbarr for a quick selfie. 😂 @kezmc #AWScommunity https://t.co/6kKqHpLBaF
@JayBow87 @MichelePlayfair @developerjack Now that’s stuck in my head. So you’ve ruined it. 😂
@simonwaight @Don_IsGood I *think* I’m grandfathered in as a previous user. I recently switched from API keys to OAuth as they suggested.
@simonwaight @Don_IsGood Granted, they’re owned by WeWork so who knows wtf will happen in the future! 🤷♀️
RT @jwildeboer: “Heard of a cool tech-bro-weeding interview technique the other day. A male and female engineer conduct the interview sessi…
@JennaGuillaume You are CORRECT.
@nockemannc @Amys_Kapers It’s a BAD name.
You guys – I’m NOT just saying this because it’s been a long week and I’ve just boarded a flight and I’m super tired and I’ve had 3 glasses of wine – Taylor Swift’s “Lover” is a REALLY good album. 💜🎵
I flipped out today when I saw the lineup for this year’s @yow_conf: @jessfraz, @lizthegrey, @Gaohmee, @Mandy_Kerr, @holdenkarau… and more?!?! 😳 ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT. Can’t wait!
@paulmurdochj @mattallen For Code Like a Girl? That’s fantastic! The other group that always needs mentors is @MusesCodeJS. Men are welcome to help!