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A few days ago I asked @frankarr how @minxdragon’s final rehearsal had gone. “Goosebumps” was the reply. 😳 You’re not going to want to miss this one! #AWSCommunity

RT @coder_bec: Watching the livestream of #awscommunity day from home 😷 Love that @jeffbarr introed via the universal language of evangelis…

@Amys_Kapers @jeffbarr I saw @frankarr raise his hand. 😊

RT @minxdragon: Some technological archaeology from @jeffbarr “there is so much happening in our field we are never going to catch up and t…

RT @kemorimo: No such thing as “just the tech person…” #awscommunity

@frankarr @AWSonAir @AWSCloudANZ 💅

@evanderkoogh @Amys_Kapers @gilmae Whatever do you mean? Would Dave have approved my use of the photos for something sinister or nefarious? … I’ve said too much. 🙊

JEALOUS. @emmaarri got a personal shoutout from @jeffbarr! 😱 #AWSCommunity

If you’re following along on the Twitch live stream, be sure to thank the hardworking moderation team! #AWSCommunity

@StokesXandra @MichelePlayfair @yow_conf @Amys_Kapers You mean all of us, right?? 💇‍♀️

The live stream is on all day, which means we’ve got speakers happening even during the breaks! Now learning about @okta and some of the challenges around identity and user experience… #AWSCommunity

This is cool – the Matildas use online tools to analyse and track performance. It was very helpful when a new coach was joining the team at a crucial time before the World Cup. #AWSCommunity

Next up is Jill from @newrelic and Ashima from @Telstra talking about creating more perfect software together… #AWSCommunity (I snuck a selfie with Jill this morning!)

3:20 today in the Goldfields main theatre – come hear the lady in the AWS dress 👗 share her epic battle with grumpy sysadmins, AWS Lambda, flaky 3rd party APIs, overly enthusiastic Dutch startup founders (😉 @evanderkoogh) and more! Oh, there will be 😺 too. #AWSCommunity

20% of Aussies have a disability of some sort – so @RhianaHeath is talking about full stack accessibility, and how it’s everybody’s job. 👏 #AWSCommunity

@MichelePlayfair @developerjack Pins are the new stickers. 😂

RT @Amys_Kapers: TIL that the new banknotes aren’t great for those with colour blindness, and given that 8% of Australian men are colour bl…

“Horizontal scrolling on a phone… DON’T DO THIS.” Accessibility pro tip from @RhianaHeath #AWSCommunity

RT @Cloud_elijah: Currently leading the #deepracer stakes at #AWSCommunity day Melbourne. @acloudguru

The Ops team have a role to play in accessibility too – after all, if your website is down, no one can access it! @RhianaHeath #AWSCommunity

. @RhianaHeath keeps talking about robustness as a key pillar in accessibility. I hadn’t really thought about that, but it’s so right. #AWSCommunity

RT @frankarr: Time for #deepracer – go for it @emmaarri do what your dad failed to do and complete a lap #AWSCommunity 🚗 🤖 🏁…

Did you know AWS has a podcast? @simon_elisha is sharing with the #AWSCommunity crowd!

Anything that you’re willing to practice, you can do. Life advice from Bob Ross and @minxdragon. #AWSCommunity

LOL. @minxdragon has a 😺 in their talk too. Theirs might even be derpier than mine. 😂 #AWSCommunity

Seems like creepy, frivolous, and bizarre uses of ML are a pretty key part of the adoption curve for new tech! @minxdragon #AWSCommunity

MOAR CREEPY CATS. 🙀 @minxdragon #AWSCommunity

I never thought of EC2 instances as analogous to preprepared artists’ canvasses. That’s really cool. @minxdragon #AWSCommunity

Warning: listening to @AziFarjad can result in an addiction to building Alexa skills! I speak from experience. 😂 #AWSCommunity

@minxdragon THEYRE STARTING!!!!

Really excited to see @parisba and @TheMartianLife talk about self-driving cars… and Tasmania. 😂 #AWSCommunity

RT @The_McJones: ‘This is here to prove that I am frivolous’ – @parisba #awscommunity

We’re running a little ahead, so get ready! Likely 3:10pm or so. And you can watch online too! #AWSCommunity


@mattallen Missed you buddy!! ❤️

@Don_IsGood 😍😍❤️

RT @rickibarnes: @web_goddess Kris Howard reminding us that “There are cat people in the #AWSCommunity, too”. AMEN!

RT @frankarr: #AWSCommunity
“There is no server better than no server”
@web_goddess channeling @Werner
#awscommunity @AWSCloudANZ @AWSonA…

RT @Amys_Kapers: TIL exactly what serverless means:

It’s kinda like calling takeaway food kitchenless – @web_goddess #AWSCommunity https:/…

RT @minxdragon: Severless banking? “This was my face when I heard that, yeah, you’re dreaming mate” @web_goddess 😂#awscommunity https://t.c…

My very own Hamiltweet. 😍 @minxdragon

@nabiac85 @Amys_Kapers I think there’s some dodgy rounding happening, because I’ve definitely never gone past the Lambda free tier. 😂

@twistieman Thank you!!

@JavierInchausti Thank you!!

Michelle from AWS interviewing @LoveAndMaths from @codelikeagirlau. ❤️ #AWSCommunity

RT @RhianaHeath: For people asking about my dress at #AWSCommunity it’s by @SvahaUSA
They have tonnes of comfy STEM style dresses and skir…

RT @AWSonAir: .@gabehollombe caught up with @minxdragon at #AWSCommunity Day Melbourne on the art 🖼 of making art with machines & community…

Ally didn’t want @codelikeagirlau to be pink, but she realised later that the brand isn’t for her – it’s for the girls, and that includes the ones that like pink and unicorns. And that’s okay! She can teach them how to build pink unicorn websites! #AWSCommunity 🦄👩🏼‍💻

If you want to subscribe to my Aussie meetup calendars, URLs are here! (I need to update docs to include latest round of step function refactoring…) #AWSCommunity

RT @AWSonAir: Checkout the app by @web_goddess for the community, by the #AWSCommunity.

@Reidyd Glad you enjoyed it!

@MichelePlayfair I forgot about that. 😂😂

The AWS dress is off, and it’s time to #wearitpurple. “We’re all human; we’re all different; we’re all equal.” 💜🏳️‍🌈

TFW you’re running to catch a plane but you can’t resist asking @jeffbarr for a quick selfie. 😂 @kezmc #AWScommunity

@JayBow87 @MichelePlayfair @developerjack Now that’s stuck in my head. So you’ve ruined it. 😂

@simonwaight @Don_IsGood I *think* I’m grandfathered in as a previous user. I recently switched from API keys to OAuth as they suggested.

@simonwaight @Don_IsGood Granted, they’re owned by WeWork so who knows wtf will happen in the future! 🤷‍♀️

RT @jwildeboer: “Heard of a cool tech-bro-weeding interview technique the other day. A male and female engineer conduct the interview sessi…

@JennaGuillaume You are CORRECT.

@nockemannc @Amys_Kapers It’s a BAD name.

You guys – I’m NOT just saying this because it’s been a long week and I’ve just boarded a flight and I’m super tired and I’ve had 3 glasses of wine – Taylor Swift’s “Lover” is a REALLY good album. 💜🎵

I flipped out today when I saw the lineup for this year’s @yow_conf: @jessfraz, @lizthegrey, @Gaohmee, @Mandy_Kerr, @holdenkarau… and more?!?! 😳 ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT. Can’t wait!

@paulmurdochj @mattallen For Code Like a Girl? That’s fantastic! The other group that always needs mentors is @MusesCodeJS. Men are welcome to help!

Important Note

This site features content going all the way back to 2000. The posts you’ll read reflect my views and writing style at the time. While I have gone back to clean up a few of them, I think it’s important not to sanitise too much. This site is a record of who I am and how I’ve grown. Any blog post written years ago may not reflect who I am today, nor how I would write about the same topic today.