
Holy crap. I’ve officially lost 10% of my body weight! I was actually 100 grams short when I first got weighed, but my group leader Emily insisted I step up again – this time without my shoes – so I could cross the proverbial line into double digits. I was awarded a little gold “star” charm for my keychain. Hooray! Unfortunately Emily then asked me to tell all the new girls how I was doing it, like it was going to be this big inspirational moment, and instead I was like, “Uh, I haven’t really followed the program for a month now. I just got lucky with the BEST SICKNESS EVER.” (BSE? I must have mad cow disease.) So I sorta feel like a bit of a cheat, but hey, pounds is pounds, right? I also feel like I might have turned the last corner on this sickness. My doctor’s got me on antibiotics and my energy is finally starting to return. The sad thing is that now the Snook, the yin to my yang, has caught it himself. Poor dear’s been home for three days trying to recuperate. (I hate to see him feeling bad, but I do so love it on the very rare occasions when he lets me baby him.)


2 responses to “DietBlog”

  1. Max

    Congrats, Kris! At the risk of being predictable, I am SO JEALOUS of the BSE! 🙂 If only you could pack it in a box and ship it over while I have all of this time to kill this summer. (Glad you’re feeling better, though…)

  2. u.

    good job, howie. you’re perfect already, but you’re acing this! hey, and don’t get discouraged when you’re completely healthy (most backwards statement ever).