A cute boy watching me play Mario Bros. 3 on NES? Dreams come true, people.
Aldi special buys this week include Aldi overlocker! I got mine from there a few years back and it’s been great for the price. https://t.co/tkszwK0GzW @FakeSamRitchie
@FakeSamRitchie Just realised mine isn’t Janome – it’s a Singer MyLock.
@yaakov_h @Catfish_Man I’m using v3 on my app here: https://t.co/jm7Zj3HWkV. But I haven’t used the forums. It doesn’t seem like much active development is happening.
RT @eytanlenko: When the CEO of Australia’s most successful business says “As a nation, we should be leading the charge on this” it gives m…
RT @TomZohar: Cultural Impact: