
Tuesday night I officially transferred to the Glebe Weight Watchers group, who I’ve visited a couple times before and who impressed me with their energy and friendliness. They did not disappoint! When Megan the leader mentioned that I was joining them permanently, everyone was like, “Great! Welcome aboard!” and I heard one person actually say, “Oh good, I was hoping you would…” How nice is that? I was yet again dreading the weigh-in though, as I’d felt really sluggish and fat all day long. To my eternal surprise, I’d lost another half a kilogram (a little more than a pound)! I will not give the virus credit this week though; I’m 99.5% over it and I’ve been making an effort to get back into the program properly. I tracked my Points and even walked to work a couple days, so this is the first one is ages that I felt like I really earned. (It also puts me firmly on the other side of the “10% loss” line, so I don’t feel like last week was such a fudge.) My body seems to be settling in to the pound-a-week rate, and I’ll be happy if I stay there for the rest of the time. I should reach my next big mental milestone in a week or two: the lowest I weighed while on the Atkins plan. (I’m actually probably already past it, given the difference between the WW fancy scales and my crappy ones at home, but I still have that number in my head and I going past it will be HUGE.) Oh, and I went to yoga for the first time in, like, six weeks last night. It felt great at the time, but I’m hurting today. Hillary the teacher was like, “Wow, Kris, you didn’t seem to lose any flexibility with the time off!” And I was like, “That’s because I lost ten kilos. My belly doesn’t get in the way so much now!”


One response to “DietBlog”

  1. WooHoo!! Kris let me just say you looked amazing in the store on Wed!! I can’t believe how much weight you’ve lost – what an achievement!! You’ve even got me excited about the atkins milestone!