It’s always a good day when you find @Don_IsGood in the office!! ❤️
RT @BuildStuffLT: What does @dsyme, @web_goddess, @dylanbeattie, @maryamumar, @markrendle, and @RachelAppel have in common? All 6 of them a…
RT @markdalgleish: Meetup dot com: Starts charging people to attend events.
Me who never moved MelbJS to Meetup:
Hey @JessTelford – how’s @ceteio coming along? Because a lot of us suddenly just got very, very interested in migrating our Meetups sooner rather than later… 😉
@JessTelford @ceteio If you need more testers, @SydTechLeaders would be happy to help out.
TIL to my disappointed that no one on the internet has created an animated gif of the badass blacksmith from Evil Dead 3: Army of Darkness. I may need to rectify that.
@yashints @Don_IsGood No, no – just a lovely person! If I want to suck up to my boss, I can just favourite one of @frankarr’s dog’s photos on Instagram… 😉
@happystash Lovely seed stitch! I’d love to have the photo for my project if you’re okay to share…
@yashints @Don_IsGood @frankarr OH! I misread it. 😂
@happystash Awesome! If you can email it to, I’ve got a processing pipeline set up. Saves me having to download and reupload… 🙂