Happy friggin’ fourth…

Well, it’s probably dark over in the U.S. by now, which means most of you will be settling down for some fireworks. Bastards! I wish I could see some fireworks. Or have a holiday. My whole family – and apparently most of the state of Indiana – are heading to Cedar Point this week. Me, I didn’t even realize it was the 4th of July til over halfway through the day. I had to call the Snook immediately:

Me: It’s the 4th of July!
Him: What, today? Can’t be.
Me: It is!
Him: Well, we’ll have to do something for that!
Me: I think so.

So we dined on Italian sausages braised in beer, spicy wedges, sweet corn, and berry shortcake. Oh, and the Snook swallowed his pride and picked up a six pack of MGD, which he felt was appropriate. (Stay tuned for the ensuing DietBlog post tonight in which I admit how much weight I gained this week…)