@unixbigot Is there a lounge chair near you on that beach? Because I want to go to there.
RT @cupcakeandy: Just saw a post about “No”vember, which is all about saying no to things that drain your energy, and you know what?
I lov…
RT @kcIMT122: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@ceylanamo https://t.co/MSz9FjnCL8
@Mandy_Kerr @JakeGinnivan Jake! I told you via DM ages ago. Email me the details and I’ll pass along internally. There might be something we can do. 🙂
@randomknits @BlairBraverman Sorry, but Bonnie wins this one. 🙂
RT @TaliaShadwell: Been debating whether I should share this – but think it’s a revealing – and somewhat creepy – insight into how big tech…