Shared today on Twitter

My #BuildStuffLT talk today will be live-streamed if any of you want to watch! 1:10pm Vilnius time = 10:10pm Sydney and 6:10am Indiana.

Not gonna lie – I’m a little worried whether I’ll pull a crowd at #BuildStuffLT with my talk on knitting! Rest assured it also includes data art, DSLs, textile simulation, reverse engineering, and machine learning. No knitting experience necessary! 1:10pm in Alfa. 🧶👩🏼‍💻

@cczona It’s going to be livestreamed too! 🙂

@diversionary HOLY CRAP.

RT @GuysWhoKnit: #GuysWhoKnit #MenWhoKnit #MaleKnitters #MenKnitting #GuysKnitting #Knitstagram #Regram | @knitboy1: Black and blue #mantas…


Pretty sure I’m the only person at #BuildStuffLT actually wearing malware. Come to my talk at 1:10pm in Alfa to hear all about it! (And go see @GLITCHAUS if you want your own…)

@cczona The stream stays up afterwards so you can watch it whenever. 🙂

@captainklein It does! I’ll bring it to TKO. Points to a website that has the pattern for the mittens – so they’re self-replicating. 😜

@bmusedbystandr @GLITCHAUS You mean “malwear”? 😂 That’s actually what he calls it.

@captainklein Try this one. iPhone camera doesn’t recognise it but a QR code reader app does!

What a way to start a talk on mental health! @maryamumar begins with her father’s Wikipedia entry. A lot of folks in the industry grew up with very high expectations. #BuildStuffLT

I saw a lot of folks taking photos of this slide. It’s certainly making me think and assess. @maryamumar #BuildStuffLT

“I got off the plane and I took a selfie. I looked shit, but my friends said ‘You look really fresh and enthused!’ And that’s what you want from your support circle.” ❤️ @maryamumar #BuildStuffLT

One hour to go, folks! Knitting, machine learning, and more in Alfa at #BuildStuffLT. 🧶👩🏼‍💻❤️

The Red Lippie of Confidence is ON. Let’s do this, #buildstufflt!

RT @heidihelfand: Yay it’s @web_goddess up next at #buildstufflt

@Reidyd Thank you David!

@gytisrepecka @BuildStuffLT Thank you Gytis!

Three months of tension suddenly released. 💥 Thank you lovely #BuildStuffLT attendees! Time for a beer.

“Maybe we would’ve gotten to the moon faster if we’d gone with a woman instead of a man.” It was always just stupid politics. 👏👩‍🚀 #BuildStuffLT

Big cheer for Margaret Hamilton. “The only software immortalised in Lego! Everyone should have one of these!” I do. ☺️🚀❤️ #BuildStuffLT

RT @giankidipaol: Technology is remembered only when it fails. When it succeeds we remember the story
#BuildStuffLT @dylanbeattie @KevlinHe…

Finished up #BuildStuffLT with a lovely chat with @caseyrosenthal, who’s off to Copenhagen for @GOTOcon. “Say hi to @apaipi for me!” ❤️

Important Note

This site features content going all the way back to 2000. The posts you’ll read reflect my views and writing style at the time. While I have gone back to clean up a few of them, I think it’s important not to sanitise too much. This site is a record of who I am and how I’ve grown. Any blog post written years ago may not reflect who I am today, nor how I would write about the same topic today.