Shared today on Twitter

@JavierInchausti You stand on a little platform and a camera on an arm zooms around you in a circle

@knitcodemonkey I had to pull up my thank you slide and show him your name in there. 😊

@stringy @georgiecel Definitely not limited to Australia. I’ve seen a lot of older white American tech guys use “this guy” when talking about pieces of code. It drives me batty. These are usually the same guys who use “he” for every pronoun as well.

@georgiecel Bigger question – is “mate” gendered in Australia? It has a very blokey connotation to me. I’ve only ever been called mate by guys who (I think) are trying to make it clear they’re not hitting on me.

Listening to @dylanbeattie talk about elementary cellular automata and Conway’s Game of Life. Guess what? Also knittable! Check out @KnitYak’s computational knitwear. 😊 #BuildStuffUA

Now @dylanbeattie is talking Mandelbrot sets – “the thumbprint of God.” Check out my friend @gilmae’s @randommandelbot if you like these… #BuildStuffUA

Okay, I’m definitely going to make a quilt that is “Hello World” in Piet. 😍 #BuildStuffUA @dylanbeattie

Fun history lesson from @markrendle before he starts extrapolating on what the future will look like. Quantum computers? Organic chips?? 😱 #BuildStuffUA

RT @maryamumar: @web_goddess and @NeringaYoung This is what a comfortable conference looks like…. #BuildStuffUA

@maryamumar We miss you already!

Important Note

This site features content going all the way back to 2000. The posts you’ll read reflect my views and writing style at the time. While I have gone back to clean up a few of them, I think it’s important not to sanitise too much. This site is a record of who I am and how I’ve grown. Any blog post written years ago may not reflect who I am today, nor how I would write about the same topic today.