@damovisa @DDDBrisbane @csferrie Worst kept secret ever. 😂 So excited!
The most important question is – where’s the after party? @MichelePlayfair – you hanging around? Between us we ought to be able to pull a fun group together… https://t.co/r0amBCpifO
@MichelePlayfair EXACTLY
@mobywhale @johnallsopp Actually I will be more comfortable with on-the-spot… 😛
@girlgerms @MichelePlayfair There’s three! This party is happening.
@Amys_Kapers @girlgerms @MichelePlayfair My flight gets in at 9:30am, so I should be there in time to see all your talks!
@devdevcharlie @Netlify WHAAAAAAAT. Congratulations!!
Spent 10 minutes today hilariously and fruitlessly trying to use 10th grade geometry to lay out a 2x2m square on the floor with @justasitsounds before we noticed the carpet had perfect 50cm squares on it. 😂🤦♀️
@DeirdreS ❤️ That’s amazing. I’m glad you’re still here!
The @SydTechLeaders Techtivus pole in all its glory… #sydtechleaders https://t.co/xhH3b1kCtU
The amazing @darthted kicking off @SydTechLeaders Techtivus celebration! Thanks @HowToProspa for hosting… https://t.co/jse12w9Hxe
RT @SydTechLeaders: It’s nearly time… #sydtechleaders #techtivus https://t.co/I8jC0TgqFr
RT @lostumbrellas: @SydTechLeaders How @web_goddess had moved them. Bring her to Octavius.
@randomknits @SydTechLeaders The bay tree had leaf miner. I didn’t want bugs in my hair.
@MsJonesInSydney @SydTechLeaders @HowToProspa That’s one for @hannahyanfield’s collection. ❤️😂
RT @SwitchSharonOn: As @bhorowitz brings the street code of rap to startupland, @web_goddess brings lessons of Shakespearean power to @SydT…
@MichelePlayfair @MsJonesInSydney @SydTechLeaders @HowToProspa I was going for Marc Antony, but I’ll take it. 😉
The best part of this photo is you can get a glimpse of the amazing “distracted boyfriend” meme slide @gilmae made with my face. 😂😂😂 https://t.co/KTEwLWSLVZ
@gilmae Here’s the full thing, which made me laugh stupidly loud. 👏👏👏 https://t.co/sgpwDTP8RM
@ktkaushik @SydTechLeaders Was lovely to meet you! And thank you for your excellent rant.
@glasnt Twitter’s looks like a rolling filing cabinet.
RT @tveastman: Women should not have to be brave to be in tech. Equality will be when women can be as lazy as me and still be in tech. http…
RT @yow_conf: This talk by @darthted will challenge the conventional wisdom around leading distributed teams. #YOWCTO
For more info: https:…
@mobywhale @SydTechLeaders 🤔 It’s a possibility.