Back at #yow19, learning about TLA+ from @hillelogram. TLA+ specs do not check code – they’re like a blueprint for software that checks your design.
RT @clairewillett: honestly my favorite thing about Schitt’s Creek is that we’re all now so instinctively conditioned for cynicism and then…
RT @MichelePlayfair: Hanging with the cool kids before the final Keynote at #YOW19 Sydney
We use a lot of “duct tape” in software. Whenever we see it, we should spend time figuring out how to avoid needing it for that same thing again in the future. @giltene #yow19
I have been contacted by at least a dozen conference and meetup organisers over the years who seem to think that I do, in fact, have a binder full of women technical speakers. (Same goes for recruiters.) It’s annoying af.
@candeira I appreciate that folks are trying. It’s just that the binders don’t exist, and it’s not my job.
@Mandy_Kerr I am standing by rego desk!! Where are you??
. @yow_conf will never not feel like family reunion to me. So wonderful to catch up, however briefly, with @daveathomas @boicy @simonbrown @LeeRyanCampbell @Mandy_Kerr @starbuxman @lizthegrey @jedws @melissa_loh @amandawIBA @MichelePlayfair @apaipi and many others… ❤️ #yow19
Club Tropicana party… let’s do this. 🍍🥥🌺🏝 #frangipanifabulousness
@lizthegrey @yow_conf @daveathomas @boicy @simonbrown @LeeRyanCampbell @Mandy_Kerr @starbuxman @jedws @melissa_loh @amandawIBA @MichelePlayfair @apaipi Sadly, day job does not allow!
Might as well party like the world is ending… @ Centennial Park, Sydney
@ImaMiri11 I know, but it shouldn’t be my job. They should do the work.
@coder_bec Exactly.