Shared today on Twitter

Our @KnitGuildNSW meeting has turned into a political action brain storm today, and I AM HERE FOR IT. 👏👏 Viva la knitting revolucion!!

I bet our political meetings have better treats than the other ones.

RT @HackingDave: This might just be the greatest article ever.

“Hipster Gets Mad His Photo Was Used In Article About How All Hipsters Look…

@amitchell01 Can you knit? You do have to be able to knit.

@The_McJones You just gave me a flashback to the day, May 1999, when I get chastised by of the hosts broadcasting live from the Phantom Menace queue in LA for mentioning Yaddle in the accompanying web chat. “NO SPOILERS KHOWARD1 OKAY!?” Because Yaddle was so intrinsic to the plot. 🙄

RT @candeira: Elon Musk, such a pedo guy. Right, people? He’s the pedoest of guys, that Elon.*

* (In Spanish, “pedo” means both “a fart” a…

@randomknits @KnitGuildNSW It literally popped into my head this morning that I should’ve sent you a reminder. 😂

Knitters give the best gifts. 🧶💄❤️

Jam on top. Don’t @ me bro. @ The Rose of Australia

Current mood: bottomless rosé. And it literally has my name on it!! 🍷❤️

@unixbigot Courtesy of @knitterjp, who knows me too fucking well…

Four little coy but cool knitters…

Not quite ten years… 2010 and 2019 with @lemon_lime ❤️

@MikeMartin604 @lemon_lime I don’t think it’s a specifically Sydney thing? It was just a face painter at our company Christmas party. Most people got flowers and stuff. We asked for something a bit more conceptual. 😂

@cczona It looks like a lipstick… BUT IT’S A PINCUSHION!

@cczona Pretty much any needles, I guess.

Let the record show we do have a quorum of Amy’s….

Arguing with @knitterjp over whether anyone can truly be deemed an “Australian fast bowler” if he does not possess an outstanding mustache.

Who has bottomless high tea UPSTAIRS?? That’s just asking for trouble.

@NickyWill100 Bottomless rosé. With sneakers. On high heels I’m basically a baby giraffe. 🚫

@tomWritesCode @knitterjp AGREE

@knitterjp Just… no. Look at this photo. LOOK AT IT.

@bmusedbystandr I survived. Just.

@knitterjp One of these cricketers looks like a Greek god. One looks like Boris Johnson. I rest my case.

@randomknits @knitterjp 2-3 hours worth. They were not stingy. I lost count. Personal highlight was me trying to convince @LynShoemark to watch Fleabag without sounding like a total perv.

@gilmae @knitterjp 100% AGREE

@gilmae @knitterjp Let me also tell you about my boyfriend Ishant Sharma…

The Amy’s are plotting something.

@knitterjp @gilmae Excuse me, we were talking AUSTRALIAN fast bowlers.

@frankarr But Daaaaaaaaad! 😂

Important Note

This site features content going all the way back to 2000. The posts you’ll read reflect my views and writing style at the time. While I have gone back to clean up a few of them, I think it’s important not to sanitise too much. This site is a record of who I am and how I’ve grown. Any blog post written years ago may not reflect who I am today, nor how I would write about the same topic today.