I tracked down my uncle David’s obituary in the Fort Wayne paper. Not much there. He’s also listed on the Kendallville News-Sun page but the bastards require a subscription to read obits. Any Hoosiers with a login around?
I tracked down my uncle David’s obituary in the Fort Wayne paper. Not much there. He’s also listed on the Kendallville News-Sun page but the bastards require a subscription to read obits. Any Hoosiers with a login around?
2 responses to “Obituaries”
I found the same thing on the K-ville news site, pissed me off as well. It was in the regular newspaper but dosent really say all that much more. The funeral is today @ 2:00 I have already let everyone know you are thinking of them.
That’s such a bunch of crap. You know, I used to subscribe to Auburn’s Evening Star, but it’s twice as expensive than the Fort Wayne paper for half the news. They don’t even run the top ten APs. It’s literally a worthless paper.