Finished the Durrells Season 3 last night. I don’t understand all the swooning for Louisa-Spiro when beardy polymath Theo is standing *right there* in his three-piece suit with a fishtank full of crustaceans.
Okay, so I know OTT pineapple love is kind of my thing, but even I think “Pineapple Lumps” sounds gross af. 🤮
@minxdragon @sauramaia 😲🤯
RT @minxdragon: Omg for my knitty friends.
Yarn grown from human skin cells could be knitted into your body
It makes sense. Using the kni…
@aurynn I went down this rabbithole a few years back. I used for a while but eventually settled on All I really wanted was something that to pull in people’s social info and give me a searchable box where I could write down how I met them.
RT @jina: Sigh. Speaker: “it’s a safe assumption my mom isn’t a software engineer”
Is it? Why? Lots of moms are software engineers. 😬
@aurynn Huh. Looks like the space has exploded since I last looked! But yes, hacking something is definitely more on brand. 😉