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RT @WomensAgenda: International Women’s Day exists to highlight the entrenched disadvantage & inequity women and girls around the world fac…

@_bron_ This is why a drop-in bobbin with a clear case was my #1 non-negotiable requirement for my new sewing machine!

@gilmae I don’t understand how we had the same couch cover and ours looked DESTROYED and yours still looks brand new.

@randomknits @gilmae Oh phew. Wondered if it was only our shitheads that destroy IKEA.

@randomknits @gilmae We talk in dreamy terms about how someday we’ll have nice furniture.


How Ramona Quimby Taught a Generation of Girls to Embrace Brashness – I wrote a uni admissions essay about how Ramona was my hero, and I *always* squeeze the toothpaste in the middle.

And yet yesterday I found myself giving advice to a young woman in the tech industry who wants to know how to get men in meetings to shake her hand and respect her opinion.

I patiently explained how she could sand off the sharp edges of herself to fit better, to signal to them that she knew how to play the game. I told her that we all have to decide how much of this we’re willing to do.

She was grateful for the advice. I hated myself.

There’s not really much more to it, other than the fact that I just read the Ramona article and it made me really really sad.

@gilmae I had a wild impulse to lie to her, decided to tell the truth, and by the end of it was confessing all my own worst insecurities. And this was someone who looks up to me, and sees me as a role model. 😕

RT @richbuggy: I’ll be speaking at @SydServerless this week. Is there a topic you want to hear? My current short list is:

1. AppSync + sin…

RT @keavy: I wrote a bit about staying an IC, and choosing the technical leadership path: