Shared today on Twitter

@randomknits Love it!

Not gonna lie – totally read this in @starbuxman’s voice in my head.

@randommandelbot Another t-shirt design…

Petey Cat yarked so loudly the other night I heard it through my Sleepphones-and-white-noise isolation kit and became convinced the Snook was choking to death beside me. I sat up and yelled, I’m told. 😐

I did not buy any toilet paper today. I did however spend $23 on a goddamn 250g bag of coffee beans, because evidently Chippendale is turning into fricking Surry Hills, and everything is awful, and I’ve just given up fighting.

Ah, Mardi Gras. Turns out six hours of makeup, glitter, and sweat is not that great for your complexion. 😱

@chaitanyakuber It better be.

@malcolmsheridan We bought like a mattress size pack at Costco six months ago… still working through it.