RT @MichelePlayfair: Your favourite tech conference is moving online! Are you going to watch? (Please RT this Very Scientific Poll)
Damn cat’s been at the vet’s for less than 8 hours and he’s already freaked out, tried to do a runner, scraped his nose, and had to get doped to calm him down. 🤦♀️
RT @StephenKing: No, coronavirus is NOT like THE STAND. It’s not anywhere near as serious. It’s eminently survivable. Keep calm and take al…
@misswired He’s gonna be radioactive for a fortnight so I’m basically expecting this. https://t.co/4Fii6EG5Qq
Too close to home, Bojack. 😬 https://t.co/kCBv6u1Bw0
@hannahcancode @DrJosh9000 Bojack or Dawsons?
@hannahcancode @DrJosh9000 Yes, I too failed on a Creek rewatch. It’s PAINFUL. But Bojack is amazing x 1000000000.
RT @Anna_Mazz: Delighted to learn that the German word for panic-buying is Hamsterkäufe: to shop like a nervous, bulging-cheeked hamster.