Shared today on Twitter

“So,” says the Snook, “if they order a complete lockdown… does that mean I’M locked in with YOU, or YOU’RE locked in with ME??” 😂

@frankarr @iRobot

@BeauGiles Ha, Broadway? We saw that yesterday and did a double-take too.

RT @GovGoogles: can we do lockdown yet or is there still some more hillsong events

RT @alicegoldfuss: Her palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy
There’s errors on her console already, kubernetes

@IanMmmm @rchrdbyd Monster.

@girlgerms @notessensei Hey @knitterjp it’s your fave phrase!

Trying to decide if my stubborn dedication to ratting on @GoGet users who don’t leave 1/4 tank in the car makes me an overly sanctimonious jerk or the last bulwark of common decency in these troubled times.

@starbuxman What’s your record for staying in one place over the last few years?? I reckon you’re gonna break it! 😱

@starbuxman Ha! 🏆

@kouky @GoGet Phew! Glad to know I’m not the only one.

@gojkoadzic I wish I’d known this a year ago!

RT @mattallen: This may be inappropriate, but I’m deeply curious.

How much personal runway does you household have if you had no income?…

@randomknits 👏👏👏👏

@randomknits Juniper berries?

@perrynfowler @mattallen 😂😂

RT @jrhunt: If you’re using AppStream, Chime, WorkSpaces, or Connect to help with your COVID-19 related business changes then please reach…