RT @MelissaLDavey: Victorian premier Daniel Andrews has issued this statement: https://t.co/U2dVwSvDiU
RT @chlosephine_: jane austen understood that nothing is sexier than standing seven feet away from someone, making brief eye contact, and t…
@LeenaVanD You are literally the only person I’ve seen who’s played it who didn’t love it. I find this fascinating. (I haven’t played it. It looks… kinda weird.)
RT @BugHunterSam: If you are in an online chat group and someone addresses the room with, “Hi Guys”, I created this meme you can use to res…
@chrisgander My friend, as much as it pains me – a diehard Pacey & Joey shipper from way back – to say, have you actually watched Dawson’s Creek lately? It…. doesn’t hold up.
Definitely Buffy, Veronica Mars… and I’m gonna go with Gossip Girl for pure entertainment value. (Can I move Pacey to one of the other shows??) @JennaGuillaume https://t.co/waM9C9JEOT
@JennaGuillaume My husband and I have now spent 15 minutes arguing over this. Highlight of my day.
@chrisgander Hey, not arguing that the fanvids and fanfics aren’t good! But the actual show… garbage.
@chrisgander Also, Rodd just saw me watching that and rolled his eyes, and I had to explain that a GROWN-ASS MAN WITH CHILDREN sent it to me.
RT @PaisleyMuseum: BBC Scotland’s documentary “The Town that Thread Built” is availible on the iPlayer until April 21st. Well worth a watch…
RT @drphiliplee1: Remember how almost this time last year, Chernobyl came out on HBO/Sky and everyone thought how horrific the empty street…
@cbetta Looks delicious!! 👏
RT @TheresaNeate: In collaboration with the @ministryoftest, we have just released the on-demand workshop “Hands-on Intro to AWS and a Tast…
@indefensible Wasn’t the original by Barry Manilow?