Shared today on Twitter

RT @MelissaLDavey: Victorian premier Daniel Andrews has issued this statement:

RT @chlosephine_: jane austen understood that nothing is sexier than standing seven feet away from someone, making brief eye contact, and t…

@LeenaVanD You are literally the only person I’ve seen who’s played it who didn’t love it. I find this fascinating. (I haven’t played it. It looks… kinda weird.)

RT @BugHunterSam: If you are in an online chat group and someone addresses the room with, “Hi Guys”, I created this meme you can use to res…

@chrisgander My friend, as much as it pains me – a diehard Pacey & Joey shipper from way back – to say, have you actually watched Dawson’s Creek lately? It…. doesn’t hold up.

Definitely Buffy, Veronica Mars… and I’m gonna go with Gossip Girl for pure entertainment value. (Can I move Pacey to one of the other shows??) @JennaGuillaume

@JennaGuillaume My husband and I have now spent 15 minutes arguing over this. Highlight of my day.

@chrisgander Hey, not arguing that the fanvids and fanfics aren’t good! But the actual show… garbage.

@chrisgander Also, Rodd just saw me watching that and rolled his eyes, and I had to explain that a GROWN-ASS MAN WITH CHILDREN sent it to me.

RT @PaisleyMuseum: BBC Scotland’s documentary “The Town that Thread Built” is availible on the iPlayer until April 21st. Well worth a watch…

RT @drphiliplee1: Remember how almost this time last year, Chernobyl came out on HBO/Sky and everyone thought how horrific the empty street…

@cbetta Looks delicious!! 👏

RT @TheresaNeate: In collaboration with the @ministryoftest, we have just released the on-demand workshop “Hands-on Intro to AWS and a Tast…

@indefensible Wasn’t the original by Barry Manilow?

Important Note

This site features content going all the way back to 2000. The posts you’ll read reflect my views and writing style at the time. While I have gone back to clean up a few of them, I think it’s important not to sanitise too much. This site is a record of who I am and how I’ve grown. Any blog post written years ago may not reflect who I am today, nor how I would write about the same topic today.