RT @Gemma_Stiles: Last week was tough. On Thursday my role got made redundant because of COVID-19.
I’m looking for a Front End Developer r…
RT @JacobJanerka: Can you imagine a game about nothing? @IvanRDixon and I have created a –
To show our vision of…
@secretGeek @womensart1 Ha! That’s my friend @chixors from @HeartOfPluto_! I actually own a custom knitted piece she made for me. 😉
Normal thyroid range in cats is 10-30. Before treatment, this boyo was 184. Now, five weeks on, he’s at 17. ❤️😻 https://t.co/yPXtC5VB7i
@JasonUmiker He has the memory of a goldfish, so he forgave us five minutes after he got home. 😂
This entire thread is SO GREAT, but Hamilton and Rent had me howling. ❤️😂 https://t.co/VbguB5ju0j
RT @pinkrocktopus: Look at this.
I installed an LED strip under the arm of my zillion-year-old sewing machine.
@developerjack Same. I’m all rugged up and beaniefied. https://t.co/wYbub3EsSc