Llook out Llarry, it’s the llandllord!

Llook out, Llarry, it’s the llandllord!
Hooee. The Llama Song is one of the funniest things I’ve seen on the Internet in a long time. I don’t know what it is or where it came from, but it’s going to be making me giggle all day. GO WATCH IT! (Link courtesy of news from me.)


5 responses to “Llook out Llarry, it’s the llandllord!”

  1. Marci


    I like the Sawyer Song, too!


  2. Niffler

    LMAO @ the Sawyer one! Mmm, Sawyer.

  3. amy

    llama, llama, duck!

  4. Frances

    Bwahahahahah. That was a good laugh to end a LONG BORING monday.