@rossbrigoli Same password everywhere is a problem regardless of what it is! 😉
RT @FrickinDelanie: uncomfortable thinking about how large stoplights actually are https://t.co/IOtvQKbEjM
RT @MittieArt: Hot Lucifer statue and the Even More Hot Lucifer statue the church accidentally commissioned to try and replace the first on…
RT @LambdaLegal: No lies detected. https://t.co/tgnV3GI003
RT @sophiebeerdraws: ALLIE BROSH HAS RISEN, PHOENIX-LIKE, FROM THE ASHES OF 2020 https://t.co/TUiiBmWuiF
Chernobyl memorial. https://t.co/V2jjdJyeFd https://t.co/Tq4Ad3xT0W
RT @awscloud: AWS Enterprise Strategist, @ghohpe, discusses why the initial executive support of a cloud journey wears off, and how to real…
RT @EmilyKager: tech bros in code reviews foam at the mouth about naming variables concisely and accurately but in any discussion about exc…