RT @stolinski: I don’t understand the argument against renaming master to main (or anything else for that matter). Main has no relation to…
Folks – where’s the best WordPress hosting these days?
@QuinnyPig For a business, definitely. Should’ve clarified this is for a hobby site, and $150/mo is probably more than I can justify. 🤔
@iann0036 Of course! It’s for a hobby site though, but one that receives a surprising amount of traffic. Trying to figure out how much I can afford to spend…
Should’ve clarified – this is for @RoaldDahlFans, so not a commercial venture. Gets a surprising amount of traffic, which I don’t want to monetise any more than it already is (as it’s mainly kids and teachers).
@lostumbrellas Hmmm. No SSH access – is that a pain?
RT @mobywhale: 📣 Job opportunity: We are hiring the next CTO for Blake eLearning. Come lead their world class engineering team and make a g…
Last night I signed off at 5:30 and READ A BOOK, ALL NIGHT! I re-read The Westing Game for the first time since 7th grade, and damn, it’s still so good. (If you liked Knives Out, you should 100% read it.) https://t.co/D7nNLlQxqp https://t.co/PrEdGaCkW8
@richbuggy @iann0036 @AWSAmplify 1500 WP pages with multiple dynamic cross-links. Static is not an option.
Update – WHOA. Migrating the whole site to @awscloud Lightsail was way easier than I expected. I ponied up for @servmask’s Unlimited migration tool, and kicked it off while cooking dinner. Granted, there were some errors at the end…
@servmask …which is not unexpected given I was also updating from PHP 5->7. Once I disabled the problematic plugin, I was in business! Just a few bits and pieces to tidy up, and I should be good to kill the old site by the weekend. 🎉
@glenngillen @richbuggy @iann0036 @AWSAmplify Nah, I’ve had this sucker proudly independent for 20+ years. Not giving that up anytime soon!
@nelly_sattari I ran my own custom PHP CMS for many years, until I finally got fed up with it getting spammed and hacked and switched to WordPress. 😂 (Thanks to @johnallsopp for that bit of advice…)
@nelly_sattari @johnallsopp @simonwaight For both of my sites I started with a free theme that was roughly what I wanted and then built out a proper child theme to my own design.
@simonwaight @nelly_sattari @johnallsopp Ha! I knitted a scarf for an illustrator friend to design the theme for @RoaldDahlFans, which I then implemented.
@Amys_Kapers @nelly_sattari @johnallsopp @simonwaight Meh. I know enough to be dangerous. 😉
RT @techgirl1908: This is the bare MINIMUM you can do and yall can’t even do this without whining and centering yourselves.
Yes we know sl…
@kinsta @amottaz @RoaldDahlFans @Cloudflare Ha! Honestly, I had it moved to AWS Lightsail within three hours so at the moment I’m good. Well played on the Dahl reference though! 🤩
@skystracloud Thanks – I’ve already moved it to AWS Lightsail so I’m good at the moment!