Spaces & Sounds

I give up. I’ve spent three days ransacking my photo collection in search of a particular picture… and I can’t find it. See, it was just about nine years ago that I arrived at Notre Dame and met a goofy blonde who was destined to become my Roomater. We quickly got bored with Orientation Weekend activities but Eileen had an idea: “Let’s teepee Jon Ford!” Jon Ford was a guy from her high school that was also starting at ND, and his family had driven down some of Eileen’s crap in their car. She’d been given his room key to go pick it up. Together with Erin Fair, we nabbed a couple industrial-size rolls of toilet paper from PW and headed over to Stanford. (Or was it Keenan?) We nonchalantly strolled into the dorm and oh-so-casually ascertained that neither he or his roommate were in their room. Then we went nuts. We completely swathed that room in toilet paper. (And as we’d all only just moved in, there wasn’t a lot else in there.) Giggling like mad, I turned to snap a picture of Reen and Fair amidst the TP just before we left. Later that night, we came home from the dining hall to discover our first official dormroom voicemail message: “Eileen: YOU’RE DEAD.” And thus was my introduction to Jon Ford*… who has recently joined Reen and I as a blogger. And that’s why I was looking for the picture. I figured, what better way to welcome him to the “blogsphere” than to virtually teepee him with a momento of our first college prank?

* For some reason, Jon Ford was nearly always addressed by my acquaintance with his full name, much like “Dawson Leery.” I have no idea why. Seriously, you guys, that photo has to be around here somewhere. Or maybe it’s still in Mom’s basement? This is gonna drive me nuts.


One response to “Spaces & Sounds”

  1. I’ve got to have a copy of that photo around somewhere. I’ll look for it.