@polleyg @matthiasbaetens @rabernat @GCPcloud @awscloud @alexvb Sorry – slept in! Looks like you’ve got heaps of options and advice. If no one’s mentioned yet, there should be a Solutions Architect assigned to your account. Happy to investigate and connect you with whoever that is. (Free technical resource!)
@videosmithery Congratulations Sam!!
RT @6arks: god i cant wait to be a home owner in the future so i can host family gatherings and have dinners in my dining room that looks l…
RT @ACLU: John Lewis was a true civil rights hero. He showed us all an America worth fighting for.
His passing, at this moment in our hist…
SHIT. That’s my neighbourhood. https://t.co/hFDbP3Lduz
Mary’s Rooftop with an amazing Sydney winter sky… https://t.co/gqZO8Oggpa https://t.co/OLowsNQViV
The day got even better. 🍔🍻 https://t.co/c7YiRodAq2 https://t.co/NvqNdR66DZ
The Snook is cleaning out his office and has stumbled across a TREASURE TROVE, my friends… #zxspectrum https://t.co/02rMfXDJRg
“In high-resolution colour with sound effects…” 🤨 #zxspectrum https://t.co/ZudcmRW0Ej
I love the idea that someone would log their stamp collection on this thing. “1500 records of up to nine items on one cassette”! #zxspectrum https://t.co/Gv0QsXMRTJ
This looks like something you’d draw on your notebook in 7th grade. “Are these lizard monsters… holding hands??” #zxspectrum https://t.co/uUg3hhhMph
“I think we can safely assume that this one is racist AF…” #zxspectrum https://t.co/BTo3smOj2a
You may be wondering who the famous people are. I am sad to tell you that the instructions do not mention. #zxspectrum https://t.co/O5k4mwwHnR
This appears to be an enormously complicated game where you simulate a British General election. Man, video games used to be INTERESTING. #zxspectrum https://t.co/FUMidnySL7
True story – one of the first programs I ever wrote was to calculate biorhythms on my TI-85 graphing calculator! #zxspectrum https://t.co/7P5yJNSe9G
I love the idea that they just rebranded the stamp collecting database app into a club record app. #zxspectrum https://t.co/u2gZ8s9wHx
And here it is… The holy grail. The Hobbit. I love the instructions. I thought “Inglish” was a typo at first, but it’s the little natural language DSL they invented for it! #zxspectrum https://t.co/DHylB5zuSw
Best part: “Yeah, there might be bugs. Sorry.” #zxspectrum https://t.co/v2C9KyIVD7
@KnitMeAThneed Apparently it’s the second most downloaded software on the Internet Archive’s historical software section if you want to play it again!
@MichelePlayfair Apparently his brother-in-law was importing games and selling them via mail order! So these would’ve come from him.
I’m a little sad that I never had the ZX Spectrum growing up. (Never penetrated the American market.) Instead I was messing about with an Atari 800XL. My parents never got us cool games like these though!
Ep 13: Don’t call it an Espresso Martini… 😜 https://t.co/RWfvWkpmM2
Trivia: this one features the first edit I’ve made in the entire series! (@chrisgander will be so pleased.)
@msharp We’re a little dubious whether the tapes are still readable to be honest!
If you missed it late last night… https://t.co/WqcFUUMKLC
@msharp Interesting! We have to figure out what to do with these. Part of the impetus for cleaning out the office is that we’re… moving out of Sydney for a while. So while you and the ZX might be here, we will probably not be!
@chrisgander It added like an HOUR to the process, getting from phone to laptop, doing the edit, and then exporting back to YouTube. So you better like it. 🙂