@julielerman Such a lovely idea, Julie! ❤️
@madradish Yeah, the knitters have been losing this battle too. *glares at @parisba and @desplesda and @YarnSpinnerTool and @thesecretlab* 🧶❤️
I am too old and too grumpy to enjoy a reply-all email storm. #bahhumbug
This is a weird day for me, in that I find myself wanting to A) learn crochet and B) join Tiktok. https://t.co/Uvw4x0hpEf
RT @IanAndrewsDC: Sometimes my neighborhood is pretty awesome. Do it for RBG #MaskUpAmerica https://t.co/azipjg3nNe
Interested in building out your first data lake on AWS? We’re running a virtual workshop on August 17 in conjunction with @dataengconfau! You can register here: https://t.co/bBsyLoesEz https://t.co/5Rn5JjQ9E1
Can anyone recommend an international relocation/shipping company? Going from Oz to Europe… #lazyweb
@battlepanda_au Must’ve missed the announcement. 😉 https://t.co/GYhjWyA13m
@itgrrl Must’ve missed the announcement. 😉 https://t.co/GYhjWyA13m
@hannahyanfield Yeah, we were hoping for air freight after going through that when we moved here too.
@frankarr Australia thankfully still not on risk list. *knock on wood *
Me: Wait, what? Why do you have three stamp albums?
Him: The box is full of stamps too!
Him: See? I had 160 of them in 1980. I was only four years old!
What. Is. Happening. 🤯 https://t.co/vWtQnKbif3
It appears I am married to a philatelist. 😳
“Some of these countries don’t exist anymore!”
“Look! Apartheid stamps!” 😳
Royal family stamps. https://t.co/PW9gpvr2rW
Dude. Bhutan had LENTICULAR stamps. https://t.co/AorGq2gJeu
Him: Did little children in America not collect stamps?
Me: No! Only in storybooks! From the 1950s!
Him: You didn’t go to the shop and buy a big bag of stamps and soak them off and dry them and put them in albums?
Me: NO. https://t.co/KZB91QTNxJ
“This is the tool you use to measure the perforations.”
Him: “What, you thought you were the nerd in this relationship? With your speech team and your spelling bees?”
Me: “Well, clearly I’m the cool one.”
Him: “How many cool people were there at the spelling bee?”
Me, just now: So apparently all the Australian children collected stamps. You aren’t a giant nerd. Or else ALL the Australians I know are giant nerds. 🤔
Him: We only had two television stations, you know…
@emd3737 “Yet again confirmation,” he says, “that Boston is the NORMAL part of America. They speak properly… collect stamps…”