Bruce’s Gloves

Bruce's GlovesBruce’s Gloves
A few weeks ago I was teaching a private lesson after hours in the shop when a nice old guy knocked at the door. He asked if we repaired things for people, and I said we did, but that we were closed and he’d have to come back the next morning. Twelve hours later, there he stood. His name was Bruce and he had a much loved pair of fingerless gloves… but he’d lost one of them recently. He wanted a new pair to replace them. None of our usual contract knitters wanted to do it so I volunteered. This is what I ended up with. The wool is Sirdar’s Town and Country sock wool, chosen because his originals were knitted in a variegated brown-and-white. They were a weird thickness of cotton though, so I had a hell of a time approximating the shape in a completely different guage wool. I also messed up the reverse shaping on the second glove and spent two nights repeatedly frogging it back to the thumb. I got there in the end though. I was worried he wouldn’t like them but he was totally happy, which was a major relief. No more commission jobs for a while, I think. Knitting for other people is too stressful.

One thought on “Bruce’s Gloves”

  1. Wow, those look fantastic! Gloves and socks intimidate me. I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m not a good knitter. AT ALL.

    And, DARN! I was going to ask if you would do a commission job for me, too. I have a favorite cardigan that I’ve worn the hell out of for almost seven years, and it’s starting to unravel and get threadbare. I’d love to have another one just like it… I’ve been contemplating it for a long time. I paid a pretty penny for it all those years ago, and it’s seriously the best cardigan on the planet. IMHO, anyway. 😉

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