Shared today on Twitter

RT @dtraub: Heute Mittag geht’s los: Die deutschsprachigen AWS Office Hours – stellt eure Fragen rund um AWS, live im Stream.

Heute um 12:…

Our “lack of cheese” problem has been addressed. 😍🧀

@steve_evil 😳 Not yet!

Really fantastic opportunity to work alongside @paulaburton_md and her team!

@dtraub Not yet, but it’s early days. 😜

@darkosubotica @dtraub Just looked at the price. 😳 Kicking myself that I didn’t bring a dozen jars in my suitcase. I could’ve afforded a nicer apartment!

I love Margaret Preston’s work, especially the Sydney landscapes!

RT @darkosubotica: I will be jumping on stream in 20 minutes! ☝️

So if you are interested in some laid back AWS Content (where I create so…

RT @MikeSington: Guy’s security camera catches kid tearing it up on his driveway almost every day, so he decides to do something about it.…

@darkosubotica 😱