Shared today on Twitter

@IbottaApp @IbottaTech Someone signed up to your service using my email address, and I’m now getting detailed emails about their purchases. Your unsubscribe link goes nowhere. Did you not use double opt-in? How can I stop these? Seems like a massive privacy violation.

Visualising COVID-19 data using knitting and crochet. I started knitting the virus genome back in March… I should get back to that.

I feel like @the_snook would be into it.

I don’t know who needs to hear it, but professional Meetup groups (like one with “CI/CD” in the name) are not for making love connections. Don’t message people telling them you think their photo is beautiful. (I haven’t redacted this one as I’m fairly certain it’s a scam.)

And yes, I reported to @meetup_support.

Blog post: Exploring Munich’s Parks. We did more than 25,500 steps this weekend! 🌳🌸🍦🥨🍺

@IanMmmm We did indeed! Kind of weird to see that many folks crammed together without masks these days, so we didn’t hang around for long…

@dtraub The reward for several months of stress…

RT @cobusbernard: Super happy to be speaking at the first Github Africa meetup on how to create infrastructure with Terraform using Github…

Grocery check-out chick in Indiana. I carried out bags of groceries to Amish buggies and was condescended to by sneering “lake people” from Chicago every year.

Ten months ago we sat at that table behind the Snook, eating amazing Schnitzel, and joking about moving to Munich. And now we’re BACK! ❤️

RT @FUCKEDUP: yo ozymandias sure was wrong about a global catastrophic event uniting everyone

@sukrucakmak @kaspars_rink @starbuxman Came here to say the same thing. 😂 #webmonkey4eva

RT @msukanya93: Just 1 day to go – join us at #aws #womenintech day (#community edition).
Detailed agenda and registration at – https://t.…