Shared today on Twitter

RT @jcguan: German expression of the day: “Das geht mir am Arsch vorbei”, which literally translates as “that goes by my ass” and means I d…

@ericjiang97 WOW! They must really be getting through the backlog now. Congrats. 😃 Where are you off to anyway??

He’s kicking my ass at the registration referral contest, but I still can’t resist the retweet. 😂 @darkosubotica knows how to pander to my love of old school technology… (But if you want to sign up to DevDay Online with *my* link, that’d be ACE!)

Time to start the 2021 hiring! I’m looking for a Russian-speaking developer advocate to join my team at AWS. If you love building on AWS and talking (in Russian!) to devs about it, please get in touch…

RT @094459: Вы говорите по-русски и любите технологии и клиентов? приходи работать в лучшую команду всех времен 🇷🇺🇷🇺👇…

Spent 5min going to try to figure out what the new green dot is near the camera icon on the iOS 14 Lock Screen… before realising it’s actually part of the photograph I’m using as my wallpaper. 😂

@NickyWill100 It looks JUST like one of the UI dots!

@moneerrifai That’s excellent – thank you!