@hollingsworth Of course – @MsJonesInSydney and I go way back. I’ve spoken at her other group. 😉
RT @RubenGallego: This how the 1% look at minorities. I was a classmate of Kushner let me tell you what I did to get into Harvard compared…
98%. That burger literally made me drool. 🍔 https://t.co/BqS8g2NM18
@LapTop006 I don’t think I’ve ever eaten a Chiko Roll.
If you’re watching AWS Community Day NL Aonline, I’ll be a guest on the office hours in just five minutes with my colleagues @soganmageshwar and @darkosubotica! https://t.co/HA0asW6IzN #awscommunity https://t.co/CGzO20Uouf
@soganmageshwar @darkosubotica We’re live! https://t.co/AOkkndAWZF
These trees are so gorgeous, it almost makes me forgive the number of times I’ve nearly broken my ankle on the stupid little crabapples they drop everywhere. 🍁 @ Theresienhöhe https://t.co/mB0mDEOvyg
RT @dtraub: Heute Abend bin ich zu Gast bei @DevTalksde und spreche mit @DerSia über AWS, das Universum und den ganzen Rest.
Um 21:00 Uhr…
@QuinnyPig Ironically, most of the outlook from Wank Mountain was completely obscured by the cloud!