Ooh, new UI on LinkedIn is full roundrect, aka my entire web design gestalt from 2001. #trendsetter #cornerssuck
RT @BettinaForget: Data visualization insights:
Land doesn’t vote. People do.
#USElection2020 https://t.co/MJWKPftOsx
@thebeebs Glad you got it sorted! Reporting other people’s CSS errors is my superpower. Fixing my own – not so much.
I’m really excited to unveil this new series, and we’re already working on more episodes for the future! If you’re new to cloud and want more guidance about how to actually *do* stuff, you’re going to want to register. @soganmageshwar @ziniman @steven_bryen @cobusbernard https://t.co/2AhwMmJgmN
@soganmageshwar @steven_bryen @SohanJudge @ziniman @cobusbernard DAMN IT. FIXED. Sorry, other Sohan!
RT @tedgeoghegan: Since we’re celebrating #TheCount today, never forget that, in 1988, scheming Ronald Grump conned Oscar out of his home a…
Vegan Pumpkin Curry with Quinoa. This was a special virtual “lunch and learn” put on by the AWS Munich Sustainability team! I felt a bit frazzled cooking, but it turned out so tasty! #bepeculiar @awscloud https://t.co/XhZ59K9Obw
@damana Was waiting for that shoe to drop. Best of luck with whatever you do next!
So, the German Corona Warn-App works really well. I was at 7 Low Risk encounters Monday, and now I’m up to 9. 😐 Stay home, people. Mask up. https://t.co/DZNOPi2RB4
@muditameta Glad it’s not just me. I was really paranoid at first, but others have told me they’ve seen similar. I guess it’s good to know it’s working, and not freak out.
@dshaw Sadly, Germany’s numbers are a lot higher than Angela world like them to be, and there are still idiots protesting the very sensible restrictions put in place. But at least the folks in charge believe in science!
@mootpointer And did I mention that it doesn’t eff up the Bluetooth connection to my smartwatch? 🙃
@mootpointer Well, on the upside, you got doughnuts and we got shitloads of new positive cases every day.
@adammw Brief or at a distance. Doesn’t give the exact numbers though. https://t.co/RHdqAOFxqG