@tmsndrs @ElemSciTchr Yes, many countries in the world have built apps for this. Australia has one, but it doesn’t use Google and Apple’s APIs and thus has some limitations. The German one is quite good. Bluetooth, anonymous. If you test positive, you tick a button in the app…
@tmsndrs @ElemSciTchr … and it will later update in app for those you’ve been in contact with over the last two weeks. Mine specify “Low Risk,” which means it was under the Robert Koch Institute threshold for duration and distance. (Governments that believe in science are awesome.)
@jonicious @adammw Oh cool! I hadn’t had a look. Thanks for that.
@drkyliesmith I’m crying.
RT @OdunEweniyi: In awe of women everywhere all the time, but at this moment most in awe of Stacey Abrams. She laid out a 6-year plan to fl…
@lemon_lime @drkyliesmith David Tennant interviewed Stacey Abrams on his podcast if you haven’t heard it, and I’m still crying.
RT @pressfuturist: Now that the Americans are developing a taste for events that last for days without anyone really being surely who’s win…
@ElemSciTchr @steven_bryen @tmsndrs Yep, it’s completely anonymous and there’s no location tracking. It just works by picking up devices that are nearby, and then people self-reporting positive diagnoses. I can definitely see the conspiracy theorists freaking out though…
@dtraub @debs_obrien Ahhh, I knew I recognised the name! We both did @DevAroundTheSun earlier this year too. 👋 Nice to meet you!
@annie_parker Tears. Really happy tears.
RT @stpeteyontweety: Mike Pence losing his job to a woman is just a delight.
@carbocommander PHILLY YOU BEAUTY
Incredibly happy to hear this, as a supporter, donor to the campaign, and big fan of him and his wife. Congrats @CaptMarkKelly! 🎉👨🚀🇺🇸 https://t.co/Aczfhcia0z
RT @supercoco9: If you belong to a group that is underrepresented in the tech industry and within the first five years of your technology c…
@abbyfuller Hard agree. I mean, I feel proud that we are able to feed ourselves so well, but I’m looking at a lot of dirty dishes every day and just feeling like delivery would be so much easier.