Shared today on Twitter

@jedws Good question! I tend to default to writing myself – either making separate notes, or writing directly on a pattern (either printed or on PDF with Notability on iPad). That said, I’ve played around a little with KnitCompanion:

@jedws AFAIK it’s the best of breed, but there are caveats. First, the UI is very dated. That goes for most knitting/sewing software actually. The really good designers are getting more money working elsewhere I guess.

@jedws Second, in order to get the most out of it, the pattern needs to be rewritten to take advantage of its features, and not a lot of them are. (Insert rant about missed opportunity for KnitML here…)

@jedws I’ll do a bit more research and then talk about it on my knitting Twitch stream on Sunday. 😜

@crankymate @hoegertn It’s a 65″. Australian and American houses are a lot bigger than Europe, I think.

RT @sebsto: Missed anything from Andy’s keynote? Catch up on the biggest launches with a live recap in your language.

11:00 CET: 🇮🇹 @alex_…

RT @dtraub: Heute geht’s los mit dem allerersten offiziellen AWS Daily re:Invent re:Cap auf deutsch!

Um 12:00 Uhr, live auf diesem Kanal:…

If you want to see a demo of the new AWS Amplify Admin UI in action, join me, @jennapederson, and @renebrandel on the @AWSonAir Live Stream today at 10:30am PST / 7:30pm CET! Full schedule available here: #reInvent @AWSAmplify

Listening to @colmmacc’s #reinvent session “The Pragmatic Cloud Developer,” title of which which pays homage to @PragmaticAndy and @pragdave’s famous book. Lots of good insights about making sensible decisions no matter how big the company. #reInvent

@colmmacc Lots of folks worry that they need an SRE team when starting out, but @colmmacc says there’s no right answer for everyone. At Amazon, we actually have a mix of different models.

@DanRather @lemon_lime Took me a second… 😂

Good grief. I swear I wasn’t, like, having a psychotic break mid-year. I just had that song stuck in my head! (Oh no. It might be back…)

RT @jennapederson: Join @web_goddess and me as we talk with @renebrandel about the latest @AWSAmplify Admin UI launch during today’s @AWSon…

20 minutes to go! Hope you’ll join us on @AWSonAir to learn all about the new AWS Amplify Admin UI.

RT @BeingJayDesai: @AWSAmplify Admin UI – going from zero to hero…#AWS #Serverless

All great stuff by –
@renebrandel @web_goddess @jenn…

RT @darkosubotica: Containers everywhere 😍😍

@renebrandel @jennapederson TOTES VOTING FOR MYSELF

RT @jennapederson: Just finished my first AWS livestream, at my first re:Invent. Before we started, I told @renebrandel and @web_goddess th…

RT @renebrandel: @jennapederson @web_goddess Who waved better?

re:Invent live stream done… Time to put on the festive PJs and finishing decorating the tree! 🎄

RT @triketora: congrats to all the young people but can we also give a massive shout-out to the older women in tech who have survived all t…