@hannahcancode Do you go for the organic, free range boys?
RT @isahuerga: The #AWSGameDay – Unicorn Polo League starts tomorrow at 9:00 AM GMT. Test your skills, team up and experiment with new serv…
@evanderkoogh Not just you.
RT @thegeorg: https://t.co/U8tSevsuB8
@lynnlangit Your locknote is up against Werner’s re:Invent keynote?? 😭 SCHEDULING FAIL. Why is everything in the world happening tomorrow??
The Sun is actually out (!!) so I headed to Westpark for a quick ride. Surprised to see that the lake froze and hasn’t quite completely thawed yet! @ Westpark München – Seebühne https://t.co/BRJMwyXDTD
RT @jeffbarr: Learn & have fun: The Final Polo League #AWSGameDay sponsored by @NewRelic at #reinvent2020 will stream live on Twitch, 12/15…
RT @dynamodb: Jump-starting your serverless development environment: https://t.co/7UU7jDl3ph https://t.co/wlJiwA7ha0
Apparently There is No Good Photo of the “Melbourne Spider” – I know, right?! 😂🕷️ https://t.co/AizJYHIwSE
RT @RoaldDahlFans: The new drama “When Roald Met Beatrix” purports to be based on a true story, yet I can find no mention of this supposed…
RT @Brocklesnitch: What’s the secret behind NSW’s Covid Contact Tracing? Find out by watching this sketch i wrote with @ninaoyama for the @…
RT @AmazonChique: Dolly Parton is smarter than Elon Musk.