@katgallow Rodd had mentioned this to me many times but I’d never seen it! He is particularly fond of Ye Olde Pissweak World 😂
@hannahyanfield @darthted DROOOOOOL
Honestly, giving a 10min presentation makes me feel more alive and engaged and focused these days than three coffees and a shot of adrenaline to the heart.
RT @adhorn: AWS re:Invent 2020 digest — Part 2 – Curated list of my favorite AWS updates from re:Invent 2020 #reInvent #reInvent2020 #AWS…
Not everything is awful. ❤️ https://t.co/xKnVp7FXwf
@200ok I’ve got the RED one too. Love it. You’ll get used to it. Portrait mode is my new favourite thing. 🙂
RT @TheShovel: Typical. Melbourne develops a boutique new wave of covid then four months later the exact same thing pops up in Sydney #COVI…
@Mandy_Kerr This is super relevant to my interests, and really well done!! ❤️ (Well, in Chome anyway. In Firefox the top bit of the letters is cut off. 🤔)
@Mandy_Kerr Still super cute!
Discussing the finer points of wine, and why the one that costs 12x as much doesn’t necessarily taste 12x as good. 🍷 @ Munich, Germany https://t.co/NN9lcfp9QX
Scott samples the salami-kabel-trommel. Verdict: “It’s fine. It’s salami.” 😂 @ Theresienhöhe https://t.co/hZX1xn9c1T
Overheard: “… and that was the night I passed out in the graveyard!”
Every time one of the Snook’s uni buddies visits, the stories come out.
“…And that was the night you lost the power of speech! And you were hitting on that girl, and we had to translate on your behalf!”
“… And that was one of those nights when I cried. Inconsolably.”
I’ll leave it up to you to guess who each story applies to.