Shared today on Twitter

@BugHunterSam Sweet summer child. A Sydney Insta post triggered a global discussion about racism in the knitting community last year; Ravelry caused huge stir when they declared support for POTUS was equiv. to White supremacy and comments blocked, etc. Some knitters are very conservative. 🙁

@LukeSleeman @BugHunterSam 15 years ago, The Knitters Guild of NSW was deliberately, stubbornly luddite. You wouldn’t believe the struggle to get them to send emails, accept online payments. Now it’s all different. But many in fiber arts want things to NEVER CHANGE, which def affects their politics.

@mmastertheone How did they turn out? Thinking of baking today. I tend to like chewy cookies rather than shortbread types…

RT @dtraub: Did you know that Amazon almost died in the early 2000s? How switching from proprietary Unix to Linux saved the company, and ev…

RT @Mike_Shapes: @matthaig1 I’ve said it before. Conservative voices are being silenced.

RT @ChloeCondon: There have been several moments in my time working as a woman in tech where a man has said 1 sentence he probably thought…

7 years ago I knitted the body of Orkney, an allover fairisle cardigan. I realised when I got to the shoulders that it was way too small, so I shoved it in a bag and went into deep denial. This week it was finally time to deal with it… 🧶 (1/3)

I started by frogging the whole thing, which gave me a massive allergy attack! Today (wearing a mask and with the Snook’s help) I wound all 12 colours into skeins and tied them securely. 🧶😷 (2/3)

Then I gave them a bath in wool wash (to remove the dust and relax the kinks) and hung them to dry. Tomorrow I’ll re-wind into balls and start afresh! 🧶 (3/3)

@ChloeCondon The taco story did crack me up tho 😂🌮🌮

Watching a doc about the Mercury 7 astronauts to escape reality, and there’s John Glenn, a true hero and patriot 🧑🏻‍🚀🎉, and everything’s awesome, and then he’s addressing Congress in the Capitol and I have to remember about those terrorist insurrectionist assholes again. 🙁

@shandogthecat @Pinboard @gilmae – See? Middle-aged women!

This is amazing. ❤️🧵🪐

@ElemSciTchr That’s wonderful! I sent it to my Mom @susiegii who runs a quilt shop back in Indiana. How awesome would it be to recreate it?!

@martijnfrazer That is VERY cool! And if @the_snook and I are ever allowed to travel again in Europe, it’s definitely going to be on our list of places to visit. ❤️