RT @AnisatAkinbani: Are you looking forward to becoming a tech conference speaker this year?
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Time to wind some skeins! https://t.co/SGy8OKVXiF https://t.co/65CBP986mr
End result of all that unravelling, skeining, washing, drying, and winding… beautiful yarn cakes, ready to start a new project! 🧶 https://t.co/3brKCkz7qT
@spidie Well, stubbornness and also being a tightarse. That wool was expensive, and I’m not gonna let it go to waste! 😂
Blog post: The Snook Talks Coffee. It’s a very long interview (yes, really!) covering all the different ways he makes coffee, why he bought the machine he did, and how Munich coffee compares. https://t.co/uMOq3g9b2X ☕ https://t.co/sPFsOxjA5q
@Sebbenbear There are a few different companies that make them!