@minxdragon @seriouseats Yep, just search that title on the seriouseats site!
RT @abc_everyday: What the heck is a sea shanty and why are they going viral https://t.co/9umQpprGPB
Me: “What’s that sound? Oh. Tiny balls of ice are falling from the sky.”
Him: “It does not look pleasant out there.”
Me: “It does not.” @ Munich, Germany https://t.co/dCyANHDj1J
@charis Yep, seen lots of finished “Tempestries” this year! Very cool. Nicely done, @susie_hailey! ❤️
@darthted We haven’t finished it yet. There’s your review. 😂
RT @adhorn: Great to see the work done by AWS for internet security using Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) to prevent BGP hijackin…
@hannahcancode Interesting Google search there, HANNAH. 😉
@friendlyunit @MelissaKaulfuss I always found it weird that Aussies often give “average” a negative connotation. “How was it? Pretty average” = bad. But to my American ears, average is actually pretty good!
@TheresaNeate I always, always recommend @LookaheadSearch for tech and tech leadership roles in Australia. They’re the best. ❤️
Oh no. We visited it in May 2019 but didn’t climb. Very sad. 🙁 https://t.co/fzdy3BN5aS
I need this shirt, but with “Stricken” instead of “Häkeln”. 😉 https://t.co/h0YBsXaPR7
А ты говоришь по-русски? I’m looking for a Europe-based Russian-speaking Developer Advocate to join my team at @awscloud. If you love inspiring others to build in the Cloud, please get in touch! (DMs open.) https://t.co/yhysUgc6Gd
@yaghmoer I don’t crochet.
@CatSwetel Yep. And it also makes me feel just a little prouder to actually be a female tech leader and manager. I knew I was a unicorn, but didn’t realise so many of my peers had never had one.
@jennapederson YES, death to Todo apps! Here’s a left-field one – I’d love to see a demo building the “Dress Me” app from Clueless. 😂👗 I saw a conf talk that @hannahcancode did that used it a few years back and thought it was GENIUS!
Cool! I was hoping for some cables or textural interpretations rather than just pixel charts, but these are still pretty neat. https://t.co/6I2PsM9r82
Relatedly, I once knitted the Wow! Signal into a scarf. 📡👽🧣 https://t.co/nugWDSUr0o https://t.co/RPUBRQYCeP
One 45 minutes to go! Now the real question is, can I drink wine, knit, and play #devopspartygames all at the same time? 🤔🍷🧶💻 https://t.co/fFYVKazsix
@mattstratton LET’S DO THIS. #devopspartygames https://t.co/rtfJ7MdyxU
@KaiPMDH How can I be living in Germany and not have any beer in the house? 😭
@KaiPMDH I like it, but I’m not sophisticated about it. This lovely little drop cost me a whole €4. 😂
@abertrotzdem IT’S GORGEOUS! 😍
Honestly, the high point of #devopspartygames for me was when someone complimented my hand-drawn pretzel avatar. 🥨❤️ #tinyvictories https://t.co/zIQ4ELEGSh
I made a little video about corrugated ribbing, and various methods for knitting it! 🧶 https://t.co/WD4cfUNRX8