Past Kris: “I’ll wait until tomorrow to do the grocery shop.”
Present Kris: “Well, crap.” 😩❄️ @ Munich, Germany
RT @jenseickmeyer: Hast du heute Abend noch nichts vor? Dann nimm doch an unserem virtuellen AWS Meetup teil. Thematisch geht es heute u.a.…
Me: The park looks so pretty! I know; I’ll make a video. So peaceful… and tranquil… and—STACKED IT. TWICE.
(Non-Aussies: That means I fell on my ass. I’m fine. 😂)
@TheWonkaTonka Not sure on the etymology. @the_snook? I know that kids will yell “Stacks on!” before piling on top of each other. Maybe it’s like a stack of pancakes?
@sirarsalih Why is that ironic?
@QuinnyPig How’s your fiber arts skill? You can be on the Knitting with Kris stream on Twitch. 😂🧶
@randomknits Really??? Nobody told me that. I always sit up there, worried they’ll think I’m up myself if I don’t. 🙁
@gilmae Also, every person in Germany wears dark outerware. All of my coats are bright red. I was Very Visible. 😂
@gilmae I was also dragging an Old Lady Shopping Trolley. They’ll be talking about me for years.