@FourRedShoes I had to go back and see the official @BillAndTedTest rating, of course. I was losing my mind at all the women running around with their hair completely down. 😳
It’s been so long since I’ve been inside anywhere but my house and the grocery store that I haven’t opened the @coronawarnapp in a while. Just discovered it’s been updated with local stats as well as a contact journal! Honestly, this app is so well done. 👏👏👏 https://t.co/eSzmxhKAI1
RT @Vel12171: What was the very first thing you ever built on #aws? What was the very first service you ever interacted with – and why? ‘Am…
@AmyJeanGillAU It’s the official German one. It’s really good!
@Vel12171 I actually went back in my invoices and looked it up. I registered a couple domain names with Route53… and then never used either of them. 😂
@Vel12171 I’m annoyed. One of them was really good and I completely forgot about it. I wonder if I could get it back again…
@crankymate Intriguing. First I’ve heard of this one. I tried Hey but found it was too much of a disruption for how I process emails. What do you like about Superhuman?
Is anyone else seeing a lot more spam end up in their Gmail Inbox these days?
@Joanwestenberg Yes, THIS. I’ve seen founders who’ve never worked for someone else… struggle with how to manage their teams. When you’re an employee, you learn very quickly what good/bad bosses look like.