RT @JeanLeggett: The She Shanty the ladies need right now. https://t.co/ethg087Ma6
Phew. Wool arrived just in time! But wow, the dye lot for the blue-green (Watery) is *very* different 8 years later… https://t.co/Znfs0raQYr
@darkosubotica I believe you Berlin weirdoes call them pfannkuchen. 😛
Knitting with Kris: Time to join up the shoulders of Orkney and try it on so Sleeve Decisions can be made! 🧶 https://t.co/SGy8OKVXiF https://t.co/Ao5XeflYTz
To sleeve or not to sleeve… That is the question. 🤔🧶 https://t.co/fBelTH0tSH
@hoegertn @darkosubotica In Bayern they’re krapfen!
Homemade Korean bing bread (with potatoes, bacon, cheese), sour cream butter, and zucchini side dish. (I let the bread get a little too dark, but it was still tasty!) https://t.co/cp5cCagOD9
I have devolved to reading fanfic in which a Slanket is a major plot point. (Putting that $100K degree to good use…)