@annie_parker Glad you made it. ❤️
It’s been a while since I woke up to @haveibeenpwned notification in my inbox. That was nice. 😕 https://t.co/N79USewLcx
RT @dtraub: Heute habe ich @web_goddess zu Gast. Wir sprechen über Neuigkeiten bei AWS und beantworten eure Fragen live, ab 12:00 Uhr:
RT @GunnarGrosch: I’m looking for a new team member to cover Russia/CIS! Combine your unbridled passion and enthusiasm with your unmatched…
RT @GunnarGrosch: But it doesn’t stop there! I also want a new team member in the MENA region.
Join us. It’s fun!
Dennis: “Let’s take a nice screenshot.”
Me: “Orrrr… we could make the @QuinnyPig face!”
😮😮 https://t.co/GxL8pbUtbG
@happystash Um, WANT. Got the link handy?
RT @dynamodb: How @theburningmonk scaled an AWS AppSync project to more than 200 AppSync resolvers & 600 AWS CloudFormation resources, a so…