Shared today on Twitter

It’s the LAST DAY to nominate for the AWS Community Builders program! If you’re passionate about the AWS developer community, you should complete your application ASAP.

@udondan @neil_kuan Ha! A bit of both really – people who are builders (of tech) and help create the wider AWS dev community

My identity as a knitter has been defined by being too avant garde for the Sydney Royal Easter Show. BUT this will be my second year in a row without an entry (and corresponding rejection)! It’s like I don’t even know who I am anymore! 😱

There is a very fine line between “That is the most hideous, cursed knitted garment I’ve ever seen” and “Ooh, I must make that,” and that, my friends, is where I live.

@bmusedbystandr Brace yourself.

@randomknits It’s also itchy af. I could never wear it next to my skin.

RT @Ankaman616: Release the knitwear line tho. That’s what we really need.